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My Fitness World

My Fitness World: 3/1/11 - 4/1/11

Thursday, March 31

Videos ~On Vitamins~

Alright I am posting up a video about Vitalizer®. I take these vitamins everyday and absolutely love them. Take a look!

Shaklee Videos: Vitalizer

If you would like to buy your Vitalizer® today click HERE! If you would like to get 15% off your Vitalizer® then click HERE and join Shaklee as a member. Become a Shaklee Member and get a 15% discount on all products, all the time! Plus, as a Shaklee Member, you can receive special promotions, offers, and discounts for even more savings. Don’t forget, you also have an unconditional money-back guarantee and you'll have exclusive access to our Shaklee Member Center where you can find extensive health and wellness information reviewed by the expert Shaklee Health Sciences team.

Here is another video about Nutriferon® from Shaklee. Right now I have sick kids and I can't afford to get sick myself. Plus I shake and touch a lot of hands in one day. I also use a mic to teach my classes and I have to share the mic with over 60 different people at the gym I work at. So I take Nutriferon® everyday.

Shaklee Videos: Nutriferon®

If you would like to buy yours today click HERE! Well I thought I would post up these two things and tell alittle about them because this is the time of year that we what to feel good and be healthy. Spring is around the corner and our kids will be riding bikes and playing outside, we want to feel good so we can play with them.

My Fitness World Zumba Instructor The Top 100 Mommy Blogs


My Review on Exuviance® ~A Rejuvenating Treatment Masque~



I had an opportunity I review a cleaning masque for your face. I have a really sensitive face and skin when it comes to this stuff. I have tyred alot of different masque/masks before, to only have my face become one big red irritated mess.
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Surprising Benefits of Protein

You know that protein is important. It plays a number of different roles in the body: it repairs body cells, builds and repairs muscles and bones, provides a source of energy, and controls many of the important processes in your body related to metabolism. But that's not all. Read on to learn protein's less well-known benefits.

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Tuesday, March 29

Wednesday Workout Blog Hop {with Linky} #8

This is a workout blog hop for Wednesdays! You will receive workout tips, exercise ideas and healthy food ideas from My Fitness World , Lets Move It Mamma's & Living Smart Girl, plus work on your followers!!! Fitness and Health doesn't have to be boring or hard. It can be fun and enjoyable. Fitness is my life and I totally love it. I am a certified group fitness instructor through {NETA}. I teach 20 fitness classes a week and love every minute of it. 

HERE ARE THE RULES; Wait There Are NO Rules:

2. Leave us a comment letting us know you follow so we can follow back.
3. Grab our button and post it up on your blog, linking back to our hop.
Leave your linky down below.
Tell us your favorite exercise and why?
Follow as many blogs as you like
And Have Fun!!!

Here is your Wednesday Workout Exercise:

Pick Up Sticks

 Pick Up Sticks

What you'll need:
 A mat

Targets: Abs, butt, hips, and quads

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides.
  • Lunge forward with right leg, bending right knee 90 degrees, left leg extended behind you, and reach right hand to ground beside right foot.
  • Return to start, switch sides and repeat. MAKE IT HARDER: Jump up between lunges and switch legs in midair to alternate sides or take shorter steps and lunge faster.
  • Do 10 reps per leg
This is a zero-equipment, no sneakers required, all energy-boosting cardio workout that tones from head to toe.

Its time to get those legs back into shape for Spring!!!

Eat a post-exercise snack

Ideally, you should have used most of your stored glycogen to finish your workout. You now have a window between 15 minutes and one hour after exercise when your body is at its peak to absorb nutrients (up to four times better than at any other time). You want to eat a small snack during this period that is four parts carbohydrates to one part protein. The high carb content is because your body wants to replenish its glycogen stores as quickly as possible. This will speed up your recovery and make you less sore. A little protein kick starts muscle resynthesis as well. Keep this meal very light, under 300 calories, and it should allow you to recover and keep you from getting hungry until you eat a proper meal, two to three hours later.

My Fitness World Zumba Instructor


Who is taking a Multivitamin??? If not!!! WHY?

My life as a mom and a fitness instructor is busy non-stop. From the time I get up to the time I go to bed, its run here, run there, clean here, clean there, feed kids here, feed kids there....... It's very easy to forget about myself some days. I stopped taking a multivitamin 4 months ago and WOW, I could tell that I quit!!!
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Monday, March 28

4 Facts About Fat and Springing into Shape

woman looking in morror
We always talk about how we want to lose weight. But that's not really what we mean. When we talk about losing weight, we're really talking about losing fat, getting rid of the spare tire, turning the keg into a six-pack. It's about more than getting ready for swimsuit season or squeezing back into your "skinny" jeans, though. More importantly, it's about having a healthy amount of body fat so we don't put ourselves at risk for myriad diseases. After all, our bodies need some fat. Fat is responsible for regulating our body temperature. It insulates our vital organs. It stores energy our bodies draw on to function. Not to mention everyone wants a few strategically placed curves and you can't get them with just bone and muscle. So what exactly is a healthy amount of body fat?

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6 FREE Products ~Offer Ends April 1st~

New Offer - Vistaprint - April Fools Campaign - 6 FREE Products

No Joke! 6 FREE Products from Vistaprint! The products are FREE, just pay shipping and processing. Offer Ends April 1st!

Woohoo got love FREE products! 


My Fitness World Zumba Instructor


Sunday, March 27

Monday Blog Hops 3/28

Join us for our Girls Rock Blog Hop.
Hosted by Living Smart Girl, Sited and Blogged, and My Fitness World.

Girls Rock Blog Hop is for all Girls.. Who ROCK!! You know who you are. A Girl, Wife, Mother, Aunt, Cousin, Grandma, Sister, Friend, WAHM, SAHM, Business Woman, ETC. If you are a Girl.. Then you ROCK!! Where would the world be without us Girls? It would be full of MEN... OH NO!! ;) hehe

Join us... Here's How..
Follow Living Smart Girl, Sited and Blogged, and My Fitness World by GFF.
Subscribe to Living Smart girl, Sited and Blogged, and My Fitness World Feedburner.

Grab our Girls Rock Blog Hop button, place it on your site and reblog this.

Spread the LOVE Girls :)

Visit others on the list, follow them and leave a comment saying hi. If someone follows you, be a good girl and follow them back.

You can enter all week long, and the blog hop will reset and start all over every Monday.
Make sure you leave us a comment letting us know you hopped by so we can hop by your blog and say Hi and a Thank You!!!

Please leave your linky so people can hop to your blog!

Here are some other Monday blog hops!!!!
Mingle Monday
giveaway button for mondaysparty hop monday button


My Fitness World Zumba Instructor


Healthy Home Cleaning Products ~ECO FRIENDLY~

Ok I would like to share a blog post with you on cleaning at Three Boys, look at how clean her kitchen is.....Take a look at her Weekend cleaning project, "the oven" or how about her Weekend Cleaning and Disinfecting. And when your done looking at those posts check out her, Weekend Cleaning Project: The Kitchen Sink.

I hate to clean because I have 4 kids and it never stays clean! Who's with me on this???? Cleaning in my house is like shoveling in a snow storm. Plus I hate using all those chemicals in my house during the winter months, because I can't open my windows. I have found some really awesome ECO-Friendly products that clean very well. They are from Shaklee®. They are from the product line Get Clean®. Here is a video from Oprah, with Dr. Oz. on these products.

dzozczoz @ Yahoo! Video

See Oprah loves Basic H2. Click the image to buy yours today and start getting clean with a GREEN ECO FRIENDLY Product. She and Dr. Oz were discussing ways to remove toxic chemicals in your home and he recommended these products because they are:

1) Non-toxic
2) Super-concentrated (One bottle of Basic H2 equals the cleaning uses of 5,824 bottles of 26oz. Windex) no that isn't a typo!
3) Made from biodegradable surfactants
4) Contain no phosphates or other harmful chemicals
5) Natural
6) You can use it on thousands of household jobs- it removes, dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface, inside and out: wall, windows, and mirrors, countertops, floors, appliances, stoves, sealed wood, and furniture.
This little 16 oz bottle Basic H2  creates an unbelievable 48 gallons of super-safe, really powerful, all purpose cleaner. We challenge you to use it up any time soon to clean everything from spilled milk, to bug guts on the window, to splattered spaghetti sauce. Now go, get cleaning!!! Image how much money you will save each month on cleaning supplies.
Shaklee is also committed to helping the environment. Did you know that they were the 1st company in the world to be declared Climate Neutral? This means that they operate with a net 0 impact on the earth. Can't beat that as far as I am concerned!
If you are interested in trying out any of these great products, stop by my Shaklee website and take a look around! Trust me you will love them. My Shaklee Site

Even check out the Laundry Products at Shaklee. Thes products are GREEN and ECO FRIENDLY. Check out their Dryer Sheets;  Nothing's more inherently good than soft, fresh bed sheets. Except, maybe these innovative dryer sheets. They're veggie-based. They're biodegradable. And they even split in two in the dryer for fair and just distribution of soft, static-free goodness to every, last humble pillowcase.
Comparable to Snuggle® and Bounce®  Pure EssemcialsTM Dryer Sheets at softening and static reduction.* Plus, you can throw the whole thing in the recycling bin. How cool is that!!!! Biodegradable!!!! And you can RECYCLE THEM!!!!

If you would like to buy these products click HERE.

My Fitness World Zumba Instructor The Domestic Diva Topsites/vote


Friday, March 25

Welcome to the Weekend ~Blog Hop~

welcome to the weekend button

I am a co-host on this blog hop from Makobi Scribe's

Help spread the word about this blog hop and Retweet using the  button.
This weeks co-hosts are
Jamie's Precious Peas and April's Fitness World.
If you have a giveaway going on this week, please add it at my 
Giveaway Linky.

Thank you for coming to my website.  Please link up so I can follow you back easily!!

My Fitness World Zumba Instructor The Domestic Diva Topsites/vote


Do You Need To Loss Inches???

Do You Need To Lose Weight? How about that baby weight?

Well I found a great post the other day on House of Grace. She posted about her sisters weight loss. Her sister struggled with weight for a long time and FINALLY lost it using the Shaklee Cinch Inch Loss Plan.

Whether you have been struggling like Elisabeth or just want to lose a couple of pounds before the summer, please check out this plan.

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Thursday, March 24

Do your kids need omega-3's?


Who has a hard time getting their kids to eat fish? We all know how important it is to get our omega-3's... Well I have the perfect kid approved  nutritions chew; Shakleekids Mighty Smart®. Mighty Smart® is 100% Natural, Ultra-Pure DHA-Essential for Early brain Development. Each great-tasting chew provides 100mg of this essential brain-supporting nutrient. DHA has been shown to support a mighty memory, mad concentration and fierce mind skills. Each chew is packed with 100% natural, ultra-pure form of omega-3 oil that has been purified and tested to be of the highest quality. This means your kids get all the benefits of DHA without the fishy taste and potential hazards of environmental toxins-such as mercury, from eating large amounts of fish.

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Woohoo I got a Stylish blogger Award!!!!

HOLY COW, I received this Stylish Blogger Award in an email from Life's Gristle. YAY!!!! Thank you so much for this award. Go check out Life's Gristle...

To accept this award the recipients are asked to do a few things:
  • Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Award 10-15 blogs you feel deserve the award
  • Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award 

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New Arrivals from SKECHERS


  SKECHERS® has New Arrivals for spring! Featuring REVV AIR Technology.



Tuesday, March 22

Great "turnkey" Companies for Women ~Featured On CBS~

Great "turnkey" Companies for Women

Have you been thinking about working from home?

Well, CBS NEWS just did a piece about great companies for women to start at home businesses with!
They called these companies “Turnkey” companies because you can turn the key and start today!

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Wednesday Workout Blog Hop {with Linky} #7

This is a workout blog hop for Wednesdays! You will receive workout tips, exercise ideas and healthy food ideas from My Fitness World , Lets Move It Mamma's & Living Smart Girl, plus work on your followers!!! Fitness and Health doesn't have to be boring or hard. It can be fun and enjoyable. Fitness is my life and I totally love it. I am a certified group fitness instructor through {NETA}. I teach 20 fitness classes a week and love every minute of it. 

HERE ARE THE RULES; Wait There Are NO Rules:

2. Leave us a comment letting us know you follow so we can follow back.
3. Grab our button and post it up on your blog, linking back to our hop.
Leave your linky down below.
Tell us your favorite exercise and why?
Follow as many blogs as you like
And Have Fun!!!

Here is your Wednesday Workout Exercise:

Single - Leg Squats

Grab a 5 to 8 pound weight for this exercise or fill up a water bottle. Hold the weight between both hands, arms extended forward at the shoulder height; stand with feet hip-width apart. Raise your right leg directly in front of your right hip, keeping leg straight. Bend your left knee as deeply as you can, then straighten it agian. Do all reps {12} on one side, then switch sides and repeat {3x}.
This exercise works your legs & butt!!!


Its time to get those legs back into shape for Spring!!!

Eat a post-exercise snack

Ideally, you should have used most of your stored glycogen to finish your workout. You now have a window between 15 minutes and one hour after exercise when your body is at its peak to absorb nutrients (up to four times better than at any other time). You want to eat a small snack during this period that is four parts carbohydrates to one part protein. The high carb content is because your body wants to replenish its glycogen stores as quickly as possible. This will speed up your recovery and make you less sore. A little protein kick starts muscle resynthesis as well. Keep this meal very light, under 300 calories, and it should allow you to recover and keep you from getting hungry until you eat a proper meal, two to three hours later.

My Fitness World Zumba Instructor The Domestic Diva Topsites/vote


~ ECOFriendly Products ~

A Featured Blogger

I have found the best ecofriendly products for your house and healthy, on the planet. These products are awesome!!! The products are from Shaklee. Today I am featuring a blogger. She has an awesome blog about, tips on how to get organized.

three boys
Click out her blog! Look at her posts about;

How To Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets

 Get Clean

 Spring Cleaning For Charity: Clean Your House And Give Back


If you like Shaklee Products and what to know more leave a comment or contact me. Shaklee also has some awesome Health products that I will be sharing with some lucky readers. So come back often, so you don't miss out on the FREE stuff.

                                                    Shaklee Independent Distributor

My Fitness World Zumba Instructor The Domestic Diva Topsites/vote
