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Wednesday Workout Blog Hop 5/25 with linky

My Fitness World: Wednesday Workout Blog Hop 5/25 with linky

Wednesday, May 25

Wednesday Workout Blog Hop 5/25 with linky

This is a workout blog hop for Wednesdays! You will receive workout tips, exercise ideas and healthy food ideas from My Fitness World , Lets Move It Mamma's &Living Smart Girl, plus work on your followers!!! Fitness and Health doesn't have to be boring or hard. It can be fun and enjoyable. Fitness is my life and I totally love it. I am a certified group fitness instructor through {NETA}. I teach 20 fitness classes a week and love every minute of it.

HERE ARE THE RULES; Wait There Are NO Rules:

2. Leave us a comment letting us know you follow so we can follow back.
3. Grab our button and post it up on your blog, linking back to our hop.
Leave your linky down below.

Tell us your favorite exercise and why?

Follow as many blogs as you like
And Have Fun!!! Grab our button and post this blog hop up. Let's make this hop BIG!!!!!

Here is your Wednesday Workout Exercise:


Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Hinge forward ar the waist as you raise your left foot. Push off your right foot and explode toward the left, landing on your left foot with knees slightly bent; touch right toes to the ground behind your left foot and explode back toward the right, landing on your right foot with left toes touching behind it. Repeat, alternating sides.

Eat a post-exercise snack

Ideally, you should have used most of your stored glycogen to finish your workout. You now have a window between 15 minutes and one hour after exercise when your body is at its peak to absorb nutrients (up to four times better than at any other time). You want to eat a small snack during this period that is four parts carbohydrates to one part protein. The high carb content is because your body wants to replenish its glycogen stores as quickly as possible. This will speed up your recovery and make you less sore. A little protein kick starts muscle resynthesis as well. Keep this meal very light, under 300 calories, and it should allow you to recover and keep you from getting hungry until you eat a proper meal, two to three hours later.

If you want more exercises click HERE.

My Fitness World Zumba Instructor




At June 1, 2011 at 10:51 AM , Blogger Julia said...

Hello! Great blog!! :D
I am following.
My new blog....I hope you will follow back too. :)


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